So I have started an experiment. It is said that the way you get followers in the social media world is by being consistent and only showing your best work. I have had a 500px account for some years. I have used it to showcase all kinds of projects I work with. So it turns out to be a little like my Instagram profile. I have some shots that I have a lot, for me, attention on. And I have a lot of shots there is hardly any attention on. in my very humble (maybe not so) opinion a lot of the photographers that get way more attention for their shots are not necessary producing images that is so much better than mine.
So I have started the project – Called Scratch. I deleted my 500px account. I have then created a new one, the goal is to only present my best landscape photos there. And only that genre of images. Everything else I shoot; wilde-life, portraits, street, architecture etc will have to be shown off somewhere else.
If this works as I hope I will be doing the same thing with Instagram. Dividing up in categories. One for landscapes, one for wilde-life, one for portraits, etc….
That way I can at least experience that I get max feedback on my work, and that it falls into the categories that generate followers. In the long run we will have to see if this impacts my ability to sell more prints.